Click for Forum profile
Age: 35
Hometown: Greenville, PA
Family: married; 2 dogs & 1 cat / My mom also lives with us
Occupation: medical technologist
Fitness level: Advanced, but I enjoy many intermed/advanced videos. I do not feel the need to have a killer workout every time I exercise.
Collecting videos since: 1992
Number of Videos Owned: 100+
Other Fitness Activities weight training at the fitness center where I teach aerobics; rollerblading, hiking, swimming in the summer, biking, skiing
Current fitness goals:
Loved ones' opinion of video habit: my husband and my Mom are both "proud" of my dedication. My friend's think it's really "cool"
Germaine's opinions:
Current Favorites:
Cathe Friedrich's Body Max, Interval Max, Step Works, CIA 9806 (Alison & Shannon), Kari Anderson's Great Moves series
Best of all time:
Step Works(step), Kari's Great Moves II (hi/lo)
Favorite Instructors
Cathe, Kari, Greg Twombly, Franny Benedetto,
Christi Taylor
CIA 7001 with Junior Carvalho & Sherry Catlin and Sherry
Catlin's new CIA 9808
Biggest Disappointments:
CIA 9809 Kickbox express/ I'm just not that fond of kickboxing in general
Would love to see:
(or should I say "hear") more rock & roll/alternative aerobic music and hear less of the same soundtracks from video to video. The music is just as motivating as the workout itself.
Words of Wisdom:
Variety, variety(crosstrain)-step, hi/lo, kickbox, jumping rope. This help prevent over-use injuries. Your muscles and joints can't take the same pounding day after day; plus it's more fun!