Click for Forum profile
Age: 34
Hometown: the Hudson Valley of New York
Family: husband, daughter, son, two Australian Cattle Dogs
Occupation: Soldier and college history teacher
Fitness level: usually advanced
Collecting videos: since 1988
Number of Videos owned, traded, or given away: over 180
Other Fitness Activities running
Current fitness goals: lose fat, increase cardiovascular endurance,
more muscle definition
Pilar's opinions:
Current Favorites:
Tae Bo
CIA 9701
CIA 9809
Firm's Better Body and Buns
Firm's Tough Cardio Mix
Favorite Instructors
Billy Blanks, Donna Read, Franny Benedetto, Keli
Donna Read (from my favorite step tape, CIA
Biggest Disappointments:
Power Kicks. Unlike Tae Bo, it did not live up
to the hype. It is a decent intermediate workout that I did not find
motivating at all.
Would love to see:
An advanced step tape set to Latin music (maybe led
by Giselle Roque de Escobar). Greg Twombley - are you listening?